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Medicine Heals Wounded Biodiversity

Plant biodiversity is a key asset in the search for new and better medicines. The medicinal value of plants can help communities and nations recognize the value of protecting them from extinction. The DMP establishes partnerships with organizations that contribute to the conservation of dryland biodiversity by attaching value to it.

The Association of Traditional Practitioners of Niger (ATPN) was created in 1995. With 1,423 members in 8 districts in the country, its objectives are to:

  1. Develop and promote traditional medicine

  2. Inform and sensitize people

  3. Help members in product supply

  4. Improve human health

ATPN was involved in the preparation of the DMP-GEF project Niger component and continues to work closely in DMP activities. In 2004, the association obtained 16 ha at Kouré, one of the DMP pilot sites. An arboretum of medicinal plants has been established with DMP-GEF support. A collection of 22 species was made in the Park W and Say region, and the forest reserve of Gourou Bassounga.

What ATPN offers

ATPN has developed a wide variety of cheaper products used against various diseases - here are just a few:

Product Scientific name Disease
Nafouta Cochlospermum sp., Prosopis africana Yellow fever
Chikenan Boscia salicifolia and Anogeissus leiocarpus Drépacytose/cell problems
Sosso Boscia salicifolia and Stereospernum kunthianum Skin problems
Bamamaki Cassia italica and Hibiscus sabdariffa Constipation, backache, internal piles
Goundoum Albizzia chevalierii, Sclerocarya birrea, Acacia nilotica var. adansonii Ulcers
Na gaské Boswellia odorata, Cassia siberiana Internal and external piles

ATPN is well-known locally and participates in national and international meetings and exhibitions to display and sell products, such as FRSIT de Ouagadougou; SIRENA – Salon de Remède Naturel-Ouagadougou; SINITA-Semaine Internationale de la Médecine Africaine, Bamako; FEBAK, Bamako; SIAO, Ouagadougou; and FIDAK, Dakar.

For further information on ATPN, please contact Dr. Mohamadou Gandah, DMP Coordinator - Niger; or Mr. Yabo Bissala, Secrétaire Général Adjoint of ATPN.


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