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Capacity Building: Sub-regional, National and Local

Given the shortage of skilled personnel and facilities in many DMP countries, it is critical to enhance institutional capacities. This component is:

  • Strengthening national capacities to monitor climate, soil, vegetation and livestock trends and dynamics;

  • Standardizing methodologies to ensure data quality;

  • Building effective partnerships among national, regional and international institutions to create a continuum from identification to testing to extension to adoption of solutions; and

  • Building capacities and involvement of stakeholders in land use planning.

Major recent events related to capacity-building:

Date Capacity-Building Event
October 2005 Improving Decisions with DSSAT - Continuing the DMP's commitment to develop member skills in cutting-edge science, this workshop trained participants on the latest computer simulation modeling techniques for crop and farming systems research.
September 2005 Participatory research and scaling-up workshop
June 2005 Botswana gets FIRM - Six scientists from Botswana sailed the Dune Sea of Namibia to absorb the FIRM approach for community-based sustainable land management.
January 2005 Biodiversity Day organized by CIRAD in Senegal
September 2004 Statistical analysis workshop organized by ILRI
June 2004 Decision support systems workshop organized by IFDC in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
May 2004 Plant genetics workshop co-organized by IPGRI and the DMP in Ibadan, Nigeria
2004 On-the-job training in tree grafting for four DMP partners from Kenya at ICRISAT-Niamey (Niger) on tree grafting and the African Market Garden

Three soil fertility workshops (NUTMON nutrient monitoring approach; participatory research; and modelling) organized by TSBF-CIAT

2003 Agroforestry technologies workshop organized by ICRAF in Mali

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